Consciously Creating

It is a man’s god-given birthright to create, yet so many men are intent upon using their powers for darkness and destruction.

If you’re a man and you’re not busy consciously using your powers to create something out of yourself and your life, then your unconscious is hard at work creating something for you.

Not only that, but there are other men out there that are creating something that will be affecting you directly along with your children in the future.

It is the unconscious men that sit in their high chairs and point fingers at the world, blaming and complaining about the choices that others make whilst their own kingdom is crumbling within.

These men are weak and dangerous, and will do whatever it takes to avoid looking into the dark void that resides within.

These men are ruled by their own dark shadow and make a choice every day to give their own power away to forces outside of themselves - not realising that the same energy that they are expending trying to destroy others could be used to create something better out of themselves.

We all wake up with a choice every day - to step into our divine power as men and work on becoming more conscious to create our individual and collective futures, or to roll over in unconscious surrender and give our power away to fuel someone elses’ purpose and vision for humanity.

It is time that we all woke up, began taking stock of our own lives and started to learn how to access our divine powers as the creators and rulers of our own great kingdoms within.


Following the Heart


Don’t Kill the Boy