the Warriors’ Sword of Truth
As the masculine leaders, we must recognise when a relationship is not in its’ ultimate state; that of spirit and soul.
We must step into our divine power and take charge to bring it back on track, towards the light of unconditional and pure, innocent love.
We have a responsibility as the leaders in the physical world to ensure the evolution of our relationships, as well as the evolution of our own and our partners - and to challenge when we see patterns of unconscious behaviours emerging and the shadow of ego casting itself across the landscape of our divine love, keeping us in the darkness and away from the purity of light.
Our duty as the masculine leader, is to penetrate the thick veil of ego with our fiercest love whenever necessary.
We must find the courage to summon our inner warrior, wield our sword of truth, and confront anything that stands in between us and our highest selves - even if that means challenging the one that we have chosen to love so deeply.
The depths of your love are expressed through your willingness to engage in this conflict, rather than surrendering and holding back your truth to please her. Behaviour like this will eventually backfire, causing her to distrust you and question your strength, leadership and direction, and, ultimately push her towards the love of a man that doesn’t place her pussy on a pedestal.
Although, in the moment, it may be an unpleasant and uncomfortable conversation, and lead to temporary disconnection, if she is committed to her own spiritual path, then she will love you and respect you for delivering your swords’ truth and holding her and, ultimately, yourself accountable.
The depths of her love are expressed through her willingness to listen deeply, receive your truth and wisdom, and to surrender and be penetrated by your warriors’ sword - the spirit that flows through you into the three-dimensional world.