Building Deeper Connections in Love

We long for deeper connections with our partners but how many of us can handle what it takes to develop true intimacy and connect at the level that we so desire?

As the masculine, can you hold the space for the feminines’ honest expression?

Can you understand her beyond the immediacy of her words and know that it is rarely about you but about her own relationship with herself?

Can you listen intently without becoming reactive and defensive?

Can you breathe through whatever it is that she is expressing and remain grounded in your own truth and presence, staying in your body and not disappearing into the deep darkness of the unconscious mind?

Can you open your heart to spirit and live a life of service to something greater than your own egoic wants and desires so that she can trust in your mission and follow you with grace and deep trust?

Can you express, without manipulation, your hearts deepest Truths and love her without conditions?

As the feminine, can you build safety within your own body and not hold such high expectations that the masculine ‘should’ be some sort of divine embodiment of Christ, holding enough space for himself, you and the rest of the world?

Can you decipher the difference between your words of Truth and your projections based upon your past experiences before casting your spells out into your relationship and emasculating your partner?

Can you recognise within yourself when your mind is craving some chaos and find a method of dealing with this that doesn’t involve subconsciously creating it in your relationship?

Can you surrender to the spirit that flows through him, allow his mission to lead you and trust that he has your highest purpose in mind when making decisions?


the Warriors’ Sword of Truth


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