The Great War Within
We long for unity in the world between man and woman, but, for this to happen, unity must first be found within.
It is easy to forget that, in the space of just over 100 years, we have seen two world wars break out, not to mention countless other physical manifestations of the spiritual war that is constantly taking place within us all.
These wars led to a collective abandonment of the feminine across the world as men were forced to shut down their emotions and go out to kill their innocent brothers.
Men ‘being men’ no longer means cutting themselves off from their own heart and soul to go out and conquer new lands in the name of honour.
Women are no longer content staying at home, staying silent and feeling unheard and misunderstood by their partners, and disconnected and abandoned as a result.
The old-fashioned ways are dying.
A new world is here.
Consciousness is calling for men to express; to transmute their collective pain and heal some of this deep-rooted trauma that has been building for generations.
It is calling us back home to the heart - to remember our roots as children of the Great Mother, Gaia, and away from the mind that seeks power, control, and status in the world structure at the expense of the lives of our fellow brothers from neighbouring tribes.
It is leading us away from a world that has been dominated by the ego - a world that separates itself by race, religion, social class, political beliefs and sex.
Beyond all of these external markers of our egoic identity, there is the one that unites and binds us all. That ‘one’ is the spirit that is found within the landscape of the inner world upon which we are at war daily.
This ‘one’ recognises its’ place as the creator of all physical world constructs. It knows that disharmony in the outer world is a manifestation of collective disharmony within.
This disharmony is a deep-rooted war between our own masculine and feminine energies that wages ever stronger with increasing spiritual distance from the soul of our Great Mother earth.