Walking the Lonesome Path

I have chosen to walk a path through life that is very different to most.

I have days, even weeks and months sometimes where it seems so unclear to me just what it is that I am doing. I can get so lost in myself and my thoughts, feeling almost narcissistic and grandiose because I speak about myself and my life so often.

I know that I’m here to help other people by sharing my life experiences. I know that I’m here to inspire others in some way and to create changes in the world with my art and, ultimately, my presence here on earth.

Everything I have done so far, I have done for the sake of telling a story, so that I can share it with others and use it to help humanity move forwards on a journey towards collective healing. Something was guiding me to share parts of my life and experiences all along through words and photographs.

Given my unique and adverse childhood experiences, I understood so much, psychologically speaking, from a young age, and saw the roots of many of humanity’s problems. I realised that, so often, we act out of fear, when we are really seeking love. Instead of speaking our truth, we become versions of ourselves that we think people want to see. We have been bound by shame for many years, and so many of us walk around in a prison of our own creation.

Every now and then something happens in my life, and I realise why it is that I began walking this path in the first place, I realise new depths to my work. When I was told by a client that had travelled over from Australia last month that she has had an awakening due to meeting me, everything made sense. I realised again why it is that I am here.

Further to that, a woman came and cried tears of her own healing whilst looking at one of my pieces that was on display at an exhibition in London.

Moments of real connection like those with other beautiful souls offer me glimmers of light amidst any of the darkness through which I walk.

It isn’t easy to articulate into logical words what my heart has felt and known to be true for many years. I often go through times when I feel as though I don’t belong here in western culture. Much of life as an artist is about living in a world of feelings, being guided by intuition and the internal ‘knowing’ that what I’m doing here has such a huge purpose. It is so easy to forget that, but I am grateful for these profound experiences recently that have helped me to remember and given me a new wave of inspiration a great clarity on this wonderful journey of mine that keeps on taking me closer to the source of light.


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